Friday, February 01, 2013

Gotta love living in the Kansas City area - Monday we set a record high temp (76) and it dropped yesterday to/hit 5 with sub zero windchill's....

Libertarians in Kansas are growing - I have been to multiple meetings in the last 30 days, I like where we are headed. The LPKS has started to get County Chairs in place for us to be able to continue our growth and more importantly be able to support good candidates!

The third district group will meet Tuesday Feb 5 @ 6:30 link to the facebook event: COME JOIN US IN PERSON! If you would like - here is our facebook page for the Kansas 3rd District LP group:

Several area of legislation that the LPKS is working on - a medical marijuana bill is dead on arrival - the committee chair will not let this proposal see the light of day.
We are still working on KELA (Kansas Education Liberty Act) again, not sure where this will go as a couple of the champions we had in the legislature in the past were defeated in the last election.
The LPKS is continuing to work on the "Open Carry" issue with individual cities to get them to follow state law.
And last but not least, I have sent in information to try and resurrect a eminent domain bill I helped write back in 2006 (A State constitutional amendment that would end eminent domain abuse in Kansas)to a high school classmate that was elected in 2012. Hope we can make some ground on it this year. in 2006 we missed by only 2 votes getting passed in the KS House.

One weird thing that has happened is the current Secretary of State in Kansas has invalidated minor party ballot access for the Reform Party in Kansas. This means they will have to petition to add candidates to the ballot in 2014. In the past where an election that the Presidential race was the only statewide race - the SoS did not use it as a qualifier (you must get 1% of the vote in a statewide race to keep "minor" party status) this decision was new and unexpected. The Reformer's I believe have filed a lawsuit - we will see where that lands. It may mean that instead of many 4 way races for us in 2014 - we may end up with just 3 way races, I would expect that the 1% of "protest votes" the Reform Party was getting here will transfer to the LP and bump our vote totals up.

That's all for now, more later.....

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