I have been amazed at the reaction to the information posted on a couple blog’s about Kansas Libertarian - Bennie Lee “Ben” Ferguson.
Kansans in general are very tolerant of others - not counting Fred Phelps and his Westboro Baptist clan; however, we even let them spout their nonsense while we vehemently disagree with their approach to gaining media attention.
I believe that Ben is one example that shows that the Kansas Libertarian Party is “the big tent” party that is needed and severely lacking in the
Another thing that I think these postings show is the fact that issues are also not a dividing factor in the KSLP; we can civilly disagree without getting personal. Ben is a supporter of the
Does all the KSLP get along perfect in our membership? Not hardly, we (just like all LP organizations) have our group of “purists” who believe they are the only people that have the correct stance on various issues. They are a minority and have not held back the overall growth of our membership, volunteers and effective lobby efforts we have been doing the last three years.
Ben is not the first or last LP’er to have differing opinions of either a platform position or others in the LP.
Mike Kerner, our 3rd District Coordinator and voting member of the Excom and I disagree on another possibly personally divisive issue – abortion. Mike is Pro-Life and I am Pro-Choice. Mike as a LP candidate has received the endorsement of Pro-Life groups. Mike and I also have worked well together, side by side at outreach events and we also gain the same ability to talk to anyone that walks up to us and asks about abortion. We have someone on both sides of (what could be or in reality is) a divisive issue for the person to get comfortable with initially – and then we really have the ability to reach and teach that person about the LP and how much better we are from the two big bozo parties overall.
I am so proud to be part of the freedom movement with the KSLP as my main venue to express the need to positively change the direction of our government.
The Kansas Libertarian Party is the big tent party we need to make major change for the future!